I don’t get it!
It's supposed to be difficult.
It’s stupid!
A good poem will come just short of resisting your intelligence.
Keep reading.
It doesn’t make any sense.
Read it until you understand.
How will I know that I understand?
The same way you know when sex has finished.
It's obvious to you, isn't it. But you can’t explain it to me, can you?
Not without being vulgar.
That's why some people write poetry.
Few people who understand poetry write it.
Few people who understand poetry write it.
The majority of poetry writers are would-be poets,
who ask themselves: What is a poem?
who ask themselves: What is a poem?
And the answer is: Something that doesn't quite make sense.
So then they write something that doesn't quite make sense,
and the result is a lot of bad poems masquerading as good poems.
The difference is equivalent to that
The difference is equivalent to that
between the feeling produced by internet porn
and the felt reality of human love.
Those unfamiliar with the latter
Those unfamiliar with the latter
should steer clear of the former.
If you’re interested in understanding poetry,
If you’re interested in understanding poetry,
pick a poem by a universally acclaimed poet
study it until you feel insane
and don't ever, ever give it up.
Focus, patience, and attention to detail
Focus, patience, and attention to detail
will make every poem laid before you seem beautiful.
Focus, patience, and attention to detail are what the poem asks for,
and unless you’re a selfish prick, you won’t feel satisfied until you’ve matched the effort of the poet.
But don't take my word for it.
People who need to be assured that they have a purpose
But don't take my word for it.
People who need to be assured that they have a purpose
lead purposeless lives.
People who need to be told that there is a point to it all
rarely find a point in it all.
Because that's something you have to do yourself.
Most people don't know that the end of a poem
Because that's something you have to do yourself.
Most people don't know that the end of a poem
only occasionally comes
in the last line
of the last stanza,
and often it comes too soon.
Most people don't know how to end poems like these,
but I do.and often it comes too soon.
Most people don't know how to end poems like these,
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