Monday, December 23, 2013

The Next Step

You fucking pig
You loser
You have no idea
What you’re doing.

This young police officer
finally laced on the handcuffs.

“The first step...” they told me.

They were incredibly white
and kind,
but it was obvious 
that the first step was getting out
of the handcuffs.
And I did.

I took them up on their advice,
went back and found the people
I had hurt by simply being present
in their lives
and I said:

I’m sorry I’m a pig fucker.
I’m a loser.
I have no idea what I’m doing.

And they smiled and let someone else
lead me away;
they wanted to see if I'd figured out the next step;
they wouldn't be the ones flying through the air 
if I hadn't learned a damned thing—you can count on that!

Well, I never took that step,
but I haven't fallen over either.
As they float away to marriage land
I look up the wedding dresses
and yell:

"If you’re going to heaven, you owe me one! 
Show me those panties! Just one last time!"

And they do,
but in a medical way,
and I see handcuffs stashed in the lace.

That's smart, I figure.
but sadder than hell too.